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Sunday 18 October 2015

03/03/2015 - Cycle Touring New Zealand - Day 43 - The Shitest day of them all.



Look how many punctures!!!

Distance cycled: 50km from lake Paringa to Haast, South Island, New Zealand.
Average speed: 18.7km/h
Moving Time: 2h40m
Elevation Ascended: 497m
Total Distance on Current trip: 3,112km
Distance until I have cycled the circumference of Earth: 5,295km


Both Spencer and I were short tempered, exhausted, cold, wet and driven insane by the masses of black flies it was one of those days where giving up on cycling and hopping on a bus would have benefited both of us but unfortunately there was no bus service where we were.
It was a difficult and grueling day with rain, fog and camper-vans getting too close to our handle bars and being as short tempered as we were we had no hesitation to yell abuse to the foreign driver, often the yelling would continue well beyond the distance our voices could carry.
The kilometers passed so incredibly slowly it was painful but we did eventually arrive at the town of Haast.
We were informed of two ATM's in this tiny township that could possibly withdraw cash from our North American cards but we were short out of luck, we could still pay with credit so we first looked for accommodation - 3 budget options in town, one being a Top 10 holiday park, which are always terrible and very expensive and the two others being backpackers. We wanted to rest up and dry all of our belongings in the comfort of the indoors and as the cheaper option of the two backpackers were filled with a bunch of pretentious, stupid looking hippies with silly instruments that they couldn't play we opted for the Wilderness Backpackers where the owner was more than willing to help us out.
Immediately running to the very extortionate supermarket for some basic groceries we were able to treat ourselves to some cookies and beer our day became ten-fold better.
Having washed our clothes, showered, consumed both food and beer everything was much better.
Let's hope our days improve as today was the lowest of them all.

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