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Thursday 19 February 2015

05/01/2015 - Cycle Touring New Zealand - Day 4 - New Zealand's gravel roads...


Distance cycled: 38km from Pakiri beach holiday camp to Tomarata Lake
Average speed: 12.9km/h
Moving Time: 2h58m
Elevation Ascended: 393m
Total Distance on Current trip: 151km
Distance until I have cycled the circumference of Earth: 8,246km
Money spent: $7


Waking up in a caravan park with hyperactive kids running about screaming isn't ideal but this morning was especially bad as Marlieke spent the entire evening coughing her lungs up resulting in me getting woken up more often than I would have liked (to put it nicely).
The dampness of the morning dew entering through the walls of the tent didn't help either but whatever the case we were not going to spend another night at his hell hole albeit the showers were amazing.We slowly but gradually packed our stuff up and we eventually left at around midday.
It wasn't all that interesting of a day cycling but this was great for Marlieke as she only had a few hills to climb and at no point during the day did she shed a tear. Things are looking up for her but I know there was hope.. Why else did I encourage her to come with me on this bicycle adventure.
When the rain fell it didn't bother Marlieke however this is something I despise, thumbs up to her for keeping a positive spirit.
Unfortunately many of the roads here in New Zealand are gravel, and not of the nice kind either, it's washboard gravel, the type of road that would kill cars let alone fully loaded bicycles. It's an excruciating experience having climbed to the top of a hill only to constantly embrace the brakes on the down hill trying to avoid both the large rocks and bumpy surface. There is no reward in that!
We found a great place to camp for the night, right beside a lake and although there were plenty of signs displaying the 'no camping' sign we did so anyway.




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