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Monday, 24 March 2014

02/03/2014 - Cycling SE Asia. Day 69 - More Sulawesi hospitality.

Distance cycled: 148.2km from near Watampone to 20km south of Belopa, Sulawesi, Indonesia.
Average speed: 19.5km/h
Moving Time: 7h36m
Elevation Ascended: 1137m
Burned Calories: 3852kcal
Burned Fat: 500g
Total Distance on Current trip: 6265km
Distance until I have cycled the circumference of Earth: 13,485km
Money spent: $5

View 02MAR14 - 500 in a larger map image
What a day, hot, flat, bumpy, sweaty, sticky and despite my dislike towards rain I was eagerly awaiting the normally predictable afternoon cool-down/shower which unfortunately never came.
Still, I covered some decent distance today and yet again I was invited into another home by a local family. Anser and his wife Lulu were happy to have me spend the evening and within moments of entering their home, having a shower and meeting their disabled daughter I was taken to the aftermath of a traditional wedding ceremony, unfortunately I missed out the big event by 3 days but it was great to see the household decorated in a traditional colorful fashion and meeting the family who were intrigued by this white but temporarily red, sunburnt foreigner with crazy hair who dripped buckets of sweat into the nice carpets whist ate all the delicious treats that were available.
Typically the celebrations last 6 days after the ceremony, I am a bit disappointed I missed it though because I still have never been to a wedding.
Lukman and his family

Me at a local wedding… with lots of treats

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