Distance cycled: 106.6km from Sinjai to Tokaseng, Sulawesi, Indonesia.
Average speed: 22.6km/h
Moving Time: 4h43m
Elevation Ascended: 681m
Burned Calories: 2516kcal
Burned Fat: 326g
Total Distance on Current trip: 6117km
Distance until I have cycled the circumference of Earth: 13,633km
Money spent: $18

View 01MAR14 - 500 in a larger map

Average speed: 22.6km/h
Moving Time: 4h43m
Elevation Ascended: 681m
Burned Calories: 2516kcal
Burned Fat: 326g
Total Distance on Current trip: 6117km
Distance until I have cycled the circumference of Earth: 13,633km
Money spent: $18
View 01MAR14 - 500 in a larger map
I didn't quite cycle the distance I wanted to today mainly due to the series of events that followed after a collision with a woman on her motorbike. Entirely my fault because i was reading the map on my GPS as I was cycling towards an unexpected red light, it was nothing serious, I just broke a small piece of plastic off her scooter and I punctured my tire.
Having replaced the tube at a roadside repair shop I topped up the air in my rear tire which caused it to tear the seam around the stupid French valves that are more problematic than they are worth, much like French cars.
Trying my best efforts with the patches and rubber cement I failed at getting my bicycle in a rideable state. Thankfully I was close to a big city where I could purchase a replacement tube and hopped onto the back of a scooter to get me there.
Without doubt I was ripped off on the purchase but I was in dire need of it. I was also unsure if the tube would fit my tire but everything worked out just fine.
The (now) late afternoon traffic on the narrow and pothole riddled road was ridiculous and avoiding these holes, which were more like death traps, would put me in harms way of the passing vehicles.
As night fell desperately searching for a place I could pitch my tent i found it near impossible too do so because between each little town there were only rice paddies, eventually I stopped at a shop where the local village flocked to come see me and I asked if I could camp behind the shop. They agreed but soon I was approached by a local guy who spoke English and he invited me to his home. I joined Lukman down the road to his place where he lived in what seemed to be a converted barn, it was pleasant, and his family were all very welcoming.
It didn't take me long before I told them I needed to sleep but tomorrow I'm going to try and get to Polapo that is 200km away.
Having replaced the tube at a roadside repair shop I topped up the air in my rear tire which caused it to tear the seam around the stupid French valves that are more problematic than they are worth, much like French cars.
Trying my best efforts with the patches and rubber cement I failed at getting my bicycle in a rideable state. Thankfully I was close to a big city where I could purchase a replacement tube and hopped onto the back of a scooter to get me there.
Without doubt I was ripped off on the purchase but I was in dire need of it. I was also unsure if the tube would fit my tire but everything worked out just fine.
The (now) late afternoon traffic on the narrow and pothole riddled road was ridiculous and avoiding these holes, which were more like death traps, would put me in harms way of the passing vehicles.
As night fell desperately searching for a place I could pitch my tent i found it near impossible too do so because between each little town there were only rice paddies, eventually I stopped at a shop where the local village flocked to come see me and I asked if I could camp behind the shop. They agreed but soon I was approached by a local guy who spoke English and he invited me to his home. I joined Lukman down the road to his place where he lived in what seemed to be a converted barn, it was pleasant, and his family were all very welcoming.
It didn't take me long before I told them I needed to sleep but tomorrow I'm going to try and get to Polapo that is 200km away.
Locals on bikes
Showing some kids some magic tricks
Friendly locals
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