Distance cycled: 109.4km from Bira to Sinjai, Sulawesi, Indonesia.
Average speed: 18.2km/h
Moving Time: 6h01m
Elevation Ascended: 1293m
Burned Calories: 3253kcal
Burned Fat: 422g
Total Distance on Current trip: 6010km
Distance until I have cycled the circumference of Earth: 13,740km
Money spent: $ 15

View 28FEB14 - 500 in a larger map
Yesterday I should have really left Bira but because I was feeling ill rested (for good reason) and under the weather I decided to have a day to recoup.
Still, today I wasn't at all in a good state, dizziness, aches, runny nose and having little to no energy I powered through the day climbing some steep terrain though the masses of dirt and muddy roads. This is because roadworks were in progress throughout the road I cycled on.
At first it was fine, good sections, bad sections with just some loose dirt on compacted gravel, certainly not ideal but manageable... things however, progressively became a whole lot worse solely due to the downpour of rain; this washboard gravel and dirt road soon turned into a slippery mud pit that relentlessly jammed up my brakes and gears.
After these calamities I eventually made it to the town of Sinjai where it was evident of how much rain had fallen because the hotel I went to check into had a brand new offering to their guests, a swimming pool!
At first I was offered one of the more flooded rooms for 100,000 ($9) but soon was upgraded to a less flooded room by the manager. They offered wifi, so that's good enough for me.
Average speed: 18.2km/h
Moving Time: 6h01m
Elevation Ascended: 1293m
Burned Calories: 3253kcal
Burned Fat: 422g
Total Distance on Current trip: 6010km
Distance until I have cycled the circumference of Earth: 13,740km
Money spent: $ 15
View 28FEB14 - 500 in a larger map
Yesterday I should have really left Bira but because I was feeling ill rested (for good reason) and under the weather I decided to have a day to recoup.
Still, today I wasn't at all in a good state, dizziness, aches, runny nose and having little to no energy I powered through the day climbing some steep terrain though the masses of dirt and muddy roads. This is because roadworks were in progress throughout the road I cycled on.
At first it was fine, good sections, bad sections with just some loose dirt on compacted gravel, certainly not ideal but manageable... things however, progressively became a whole lot worse solely due to the downpour of rain; this washboard gravel and dirt road soon turned into a slippery mud pit that relentlessly jammed up my brakes and gears.
After these calamities I eventually made it to the town of Sinjai where it was evident of how much rain had fallen because the hotel I went to check into had a brand new offering to their guests, a swimming pool!
At first I was offered one of the more flooded rooms for 100,000 ($9) but soon was upgraded to a less flooded room by the manager. They offered wifi, so that's good enough for me.
The flooded hotel I stayed at.
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