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Monday, 24 March 2014

03/03/2014 - Cycling SE Asia. Day 70 - Why did the chicken cross the road?

Distance cycled: 109km from just south of Belopa to the 1,000 meter marker point on the mountain pass road from Polopo to Rantapao, Sulawesi, Indonesia.
Average speed: 16.5km/h
Moving Time: 6h37m
Elevation Ascended: 1780m
Burned Calories: 3787kcal
Burned Fat: 491g
Total Distance on Current trip: 6374km
Distance until I have cycled the circumference of Earth: 13,376km
Money spent: $ 8

View 03MAR14 - 50 in a larger map image

So why did the chicken cross the road? Obviously to get to the other side. However from today's observation on these roads the answer should be 'to attempt to get to the other side'. Needless to say there were a plethora of deceased chickens and chicks that filled the pot holes in the road... Sorry, that is an extreme exaggeration but there were plenty of poultry road kill... If only I were to be starving...
The last couple of days I was stuck on the coastal plains of South Sulawesi and it was rather boring with little to no vantage point offering views of the surrounding area but as a positive I did meet some fantastic locals who put me up with a place to sleep over the last couple nights.
Today can be broken up in two parts, the first half of the day I spent on more uninteresting flat terrain but the second half was far more exciting albeit far slower paced; this is because I was now headed inland towards the mountainous and apparently popular Tana Toraja area.
Unfortunately I didn't quite make it to the main touristy town of the area called Rantapao due to a downpour of rain in the late afternoon but I did find an almost ideal place to sleep sheltered under an abandoned home with plenty of spiders to keep me company.
Tomorrow should be a relatively easy and short day and I still have a week before I have to return to Makassar for my flight to Chiang Mai, Thailand. Easy!
Actually on the topic of spiders, one thing that I do not understand here in Indonesia is that every bathroom of every home I have stayed in always has a resident spider living amongst the toothbrushes and shampoos. But not only this, there are also so many cobwebs and deceased Arachnids in the near vicinity within the bathroom. Maybe the Indonesians like having spiders (dead or alive) watch them bathe? It's very strange and it wouldn't take much to clean them out, but it does give me the opportunity to take great macro shots of them.

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