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Friday 18 November 2011

14/10/2011 – 18/10/2011 Quebec City

Im writing this entry up 3 weeks after I was here so it is summarized to the main points.
I caught up with a bunch of people in Quebec city and got a chance to again check out Old Town of the oldest city city in North America along with some other sights around the city but certainly a highlight for my time here was the time spent with Sandra, I was on the way out the door of Alex's place to cycle back to Montreal and I got a message from Sandra asking why I was leaving without seeing her (thanks facebook), I honestly forgot about her and as she only lived no more than 300 meters down the road I thought id drop by for a quick hello but when I saw her it was evident I was going to stick around with her for at least a night – I ended up spending four nights.
Now these details im not going into... but I think you get the picture with what we got up to.
I first met Sandra in Thailand at Ton Sai beach, we did nothing more than chill on the beach and have a few drinks together but during my stay with her at her place things were a little different, we cooked up amazing food ate fantastic cheeses and chowed down on Foie Gras, it was delightful... we only really left her place to buy groceries and wine and on one occasion went to see some more sights around old town even sneaking into old castle turned hotel through an unlocked doorway and being invited into a room with an elderly couple from the States where we had a bit of chit chat and used their hotel window to take pictures of the surrounding views.
I had an amazing time with Sandra but I needed to get back to Montreal to organize a few things, so I left hoping to see her again in the coming weeks before I leave Montreal towards South America.


I was going to sort out these pics but you can just sift through them yourself, just some pics i took around the city, time spent with Sandra and at the top the random American couple who invited us into their hotel room

This is something im playing around with atm, I use an egg timer modified with a camera mount to slowly pan the time lapse as it is taken, i had this idea when cycling across the country... it works but as you can see at the end of the video the camera falls off the tripod... i need to make a tripod mount for it now.


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