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Wednesday 16 November 2011

13/10/2011 Day 50 Cycling Across Canada

Distance Traveled: Almost Quebec City N 46 40.619 W071 41.919 to Quebec City 46.7km
Money Spent: N/A
Time cycling: 2 hours 44 minutes
Moving Average: 17 km/h
Total Distance Traveled: 3206 km

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14 hours of sleep – that’s how much I needed it.
Camping where I did on the side of the road was great, undisturbed other than the squawking crows and farming trucks going by but having my headphones and music to dampen out these noises I was all good.
I had less than 50km to cycle into Quebec City where I was meeting Alex, a friend I met in Panama, she invited me to come visit her despite the fact she had a whole lot of studying to do for 3 exams she had next week.
When I reached Quebec we caught up on old times and reminisced over lunch that I quickly knocked up.
Her and her boyfriend (interestingly named Alex too) lived with 3 others and a young cat that ruined the living room carpet in a place very close to old town.
I'm planning to spend a few days here to catch up with some old friends – using Alex's place as a base – I don't want to keep her from her studies.
This is it, the farthest East of Canada that I will be cycling, 50 days of travel across the country! I still have to cycle back to Montreal where ill be hoping the weather is on my side... we will see.
Ill be continuing to do this blog during my stay in Quebec city, the cycle back to Montreal and my time there too but I'm going to be lazy about it and summarize my experiences.
Laters folks.


Halloween is on the way


Made it to Quebec City


Ariane’s Little Kitty

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