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Tuesday 1 November 2011

12/10/2011 Day 49 Cycling Across Canada

Distance Traveled: Trois Riviers to almost Quebec City N 46 40.619 W071 41.919 90km
Money Spent: $2 for hot chocolate, $1 for 3 apples
Time cycling: 4 hours 44 minutes
Moving Average: 18.9 km/h
Total Distance Traveled: 3159 km

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Absolutely exhausted from one crazy awesome night I made my way toward Quebec city hopefully making it there for the evening, I picked up a little friend to take with me on this trip – a puppet Kangaroo named boing boing – Claudine gave it to me as a gift, now I have a new mascot to take with me on my cycle trips around the world.
It was difficult to keep a steady pace today not only because I was having difficult keeping my eyes open but also the wind was blowing me around.
It was obvious by midday I wasnt going to make it to Quebec City where I had a friend who I met in Panama waiting for me. Because I couldnt find any place that had wifi to contact this friend I used my iPhone to search for unsecured available networks in residential areas... it didnt take me long to find one where I sat on the curb in front of a house to send a message where unsurpisingly people passing by gave me strange looks.
All day I listened to one of my favourite bands new album I downloaded yesterday, the album was leaked to the internet 2 days before it was suppose to be release to world – great album and if your into death metal (melodic) I highly recommend it, the name of the band is Insomnium.
For dinner I went into a chinese restaurant and offered them $5 for anything they could put on a plate, this is something you should never do in china because you always end up with something very questionable on a plate in front of you. Here, it is fine to do this and I got a very tasty meal for a cheap price, the cook was going to give it to me for free but I insisted to pay– god damn it, im not a charity case! :P
I found a nice place to camp on the side of the road 30km from Quebec city where even though it was only 6pm I crashed out hard – I really in was indire need of sleep.

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My new Mascot – boing boing, OK Pneus – pronounce that in English??? Shots along the way and the crazy colours of the Fall.

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