I have been looking forward To this festival for some time now 5 of my currently favorite bands were playing and they did not disappoint although I must admit that the copious amount of alcohol that I consumed left gaps in my memory o he experience.
The first night was and always is at a festival quite a messy night with me running about chatting to everyone and having a very social time often loosing my voice. Fortunately I didn't and I was grateful.
One down side to the first night was that it did rain and the tent I was borrowing from Kya (Nash's friend Adam's girlfriend) wasn't at all resistant to water and the following morning I woke up in a puddle of water that was an inch deep also killing my camera and some other electronics of mine. This means no photos for my time at the festival. :(
Seeing a Swiss band named Eluveitie I experienced something at a metal festival that I had never attempted before and that is to crowd surf. I don't know why I hadn't perhaps the idea of loosing my camera or things in my pocket - so having not taken my camera to the stage area made me experience this surreal as my new found fun.
Throughout the festival I reckon I experienced the bands from above the hands of the screaming festival goers at least a dozen times but during the set of my favorite band, Dark Tranquillity I was thrown and landed straight on my ass in a gap in the crowd injuring my ass for the last 15 minutes of their set.
Hobbling around the festival grounds I managed to make it back to camp to drink the pain away and set off on a mission to meet people.
The group of five who I was camping with (Kya, Adam, Nash and Sarah) that I got to know quite well were well equipped for the festival with chairs, a stove and even a generator unfortunately not with a tarpaulins large enough to cover my tent when it rained, but oh well.
We adopted an American guy named Hal who joined us to wherever we went and was enjoyable company. He was out there by himself experiencing the German festival scene alone and we all got along fantastically.
Unfortunately no luck on the lady front for me this festival apart from a make out session with a petite German girl named Lala - I swear I'm not making this up - I would like to say she was cool but at 3am piss drunk I honestly don't remember anything about her. Ahh, festivals.
Another new thing for me that I have never done at a festival is wait in the long lines to get the autographs of band members at the signing booth, I got the signatures of all the band members of Be'Lakor, Dark Tranquillity and Insomnium, I was in awe meeting them all too, what a cool experience!
All in all this festival was just awesome and having changed my plans to a later date to cycle from Norway to Israel for this festival and to catch up with Nash was well worth it.
A lot of money was spent, alcohol drunk, cigarettes smoked, great people met and only one injury, Summerbreeze! pure awesomeness!
unfortunately because my camera died in puddle of water this is the only pic i was able to get fromm Nash’s facebook upload. Still i got to meet my idol, Mikael Stanne – lead singer from Dark tranquillity
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