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Tuesday, 4 September 2012


With not much sleep I had to get up early to get my bus to Cambridge to catch up with Monty who I snowboarded with back in France many years ago. We had a quick pint In town and headed for his place where he lived on the side of a small river, he had a sick place that he built with his own hands; including 2 river boats that he also built. After a few more drinks we went for a cruise down the river. It was good time catching with with him and like I did with Danny reminiscing over old times.
Monty took me to the airport and I caught my flight to Munich.
Arriving in Munich I had directions to meet up with Nash at one of his buddies places. Getting on the train towards the city center I chatted away to an American girl now living in Germany - a fun chat and got some advice with getting to the area I was going to stay.
Whilst waiting of a public bus I was approached by a beaut on a bicycle who informed me that the bus stop was not in Service - good thing she did because I can't speak (or read) a word of German.
Lucy told me that I could sit on the back of her bicycle and she would cycle me to where I wanted to go. Of course I agreed and we cycled together for many kilometers getting lost around the city. Asking for directions we met another random also on a bicycle who joined us for a drink at a gas station, the three of us sat there drinking away for a good two hours before I was taken home to Lucy's place where I spent the night.

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