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Sunday 20 November 2011

Montreal (again) 22/10/2011 to 14/11/2011

Montreal is an amazing place with lots to do and see, I didnt get to see as much as I wanted to due to being comatosed after drinking excessively with old and new friends.
During my time up in Quebec city I made the effort to organize a gathering of friends I had worked with whilst treeplanting in BC, it was a very good night out and although we organized to eat out at a nice restaurant that fell through and turned into a night out on the piss.
It really was an amazing night out and great to see everyone together.
During the Summer Alex worked near his home town in Quebec just north of Ottawa at a place where you could bungee jump, often when living in Montreal he would organize people at his school to drive down and see whether or not they are afraid of heights and on top of that also jumping from a flimsy piece of scaffolding(actually its very secure) tied to a bit of bungee cord. I wanted to try it and I tagged along. Bungee jumping is something I have always wanted to do and why not do it at the highest one in North America.
There was a good group of us and as you can see in the video I will post below I had a great time, despite being a little confused with what alex is saying to me.
Im trying to recall most events that happened over the past few weeks and one thing certainly comes into my mind; ill start from the start.

Halloween weekend! I had made a costume which was the same as last years Halloween wearing fishnet stocking as a shirt and a cardboard mask making me look like the alien from Arnold Schwarzenegger's movie classic 'Predator'. A lot of effort went into the costume and the Friday night I went out with Alex and his friends to a bar was a silly, fun and unsurprisingly very drunken night. I also had made an impression on a Quebecois girl who I first met on the bungee jump named Chantal a very easy going girl who invited me to her place this evening but because I was on a bike I cycled off behind her taxi when the bar was closing – somehow I got ridiculously lost...(alcohol to blame) im not going to go into it but I finally after a very long time made it to her place and ended up having quite a lot of fun with her, I want to talk about her later though.
Now, the Friday night of this weekend was great, Saturday feeling really rough I stayed in, but Sunday as the festive holiday was coming to an end I wanted to make full use of my costume and so got an invite to a party with an old treeplanting friend Leanne, I didn’t know what type of party it was but I was sure whatever the case I could meet people and have a good time... boy, was I wrong... from when I left Leanne’s place on bicycle (which was my only mode of transportation around the city) I felt out of place, Leanne’s friends were not much for conversation and IMHO just a little strange.
We cycled quite a distance to this party called “The Death Church” which was very suitable to the festivities surrounding Halloween.
Arriving at this party the vibe (not to sound hippy-like) wasn’t quite right, I felt out of place where people were not being very social and incredibly stand offish, one thing I found irritating was that there was an entry fee so I figured there would be a bar of some kind selling booze, again, I was wrong. The reason why there was an entry fee was because there were a couple of “bands” playing.. This was incredibly strange where the “band” consisted of one ONE person playing in the center of a small room with some kind of variation of DJ equipment that made random noises, scratching and strange sounds that people crowded around to listen and watch... Incidentally the genre of music is called 'noise', something I could never understand, it really was just aweful.
Ok, as I had no beer I tried introducing myself to people around where I met a guy and some of his friends who offered me a beer, very kind of this guy to do so and I was appreciative, I stuck around for a conversation and because of this conversation I realized what sort of party this was... he asked me if I was gay and knew anything about all the different genders...i said “um, there are only 2 genders that I know of and I am straight.” this is when the conversation flipped and I had quite a lot of people trying to explain this multiple gender thing to me, no one really could explain it and apparently asking them to keep on trying to explain it to me is not good as this aggravates the type of people I was surrounded by.
I was just being curious and to learn about something I had no idea about and as I was unknowingly pissing him and some others off around me I referred to him as a “trans” as he described himself earlier in the evening, people started shouting at me and he smashed a beer can in my face, cutting my nose and giving me a black eye.
Even now I still cannot understand what the fuck I did to deserve that and as I am not one for fighting I grabbed Leanne and got the fuck out of there! Really, WTF!
Dressed the way I was wearing a fishnet stocking as a shirt (for halloween!) I can understand why this gay guy was first interested in me.. haha
The following day I caught up with Sandra  who I had a thing with back in Quebec City she told me that if I went out with her this same evening instead of going to this party I would have had a much much better evening sharing time with her and her friend... the invite was there for me to be with her and her friend but instead I woke the next day with a black eye and a cut nose. Damn it!

Over the past few months I've been claiming what is called EI, I have mentioned it in previous posts but essentially it is a government system that pays you out money if you are let go from your job, supporting you financially until you find another job. I am not looking for another job nor am I a Canadian citizen, yet I can benefit from this.
Every two weeks I get money deposited into my account so long as I am in the country.
I have over the past few weeks bought myself some new gadgets and gizmo's to take traveling with me, I now have a new Camera that I bought a few months ago, a new iPod, computer and a very nice lens for the aforementioned camera. I hope I can entertain and enthrall my readers with wonderful pictures that I will be taking while I am traveling around South America.

Back to Chantal, After Bungee jumping with her, partying with her on Halloween and cooking her and her housemates lovely meals we got used to seeing eachother quite a lot, in fact Alex didn’t really see much of me during the two last weeks while in Montreal. She took me out to a concert out of town that was very enjoyable especially with the small audience and venue – it was fantastic, not only because of the band being very good but also it was one of the first times a girl asked me out on a date.
As I bought myself a new laptop I no longer needed the other and because it was worthless I just gave it away to Chantal as a gift and to have a backup of all my pictures and data in Montreal. I also left my bicycle with her as she had a place to store it for when I return to Montreal to finish the bike trip across Canada next year.

Montreal is an amazing place – when the weather is good and when you don’t get a beer can smashed in your face by a transsexual. It was awesome catching up with all my friends and meeting my friends mates. Really it was good times.

This entry is getting a little long so ill comment on some situations relating to the pics ill post below.
South America is the next chapter of my travels. WWWWHHHOOOOOOOPPP!



Bungee Jumping in Quebec!!!



Catching up with old friends


Protest in Montreal, the price for university in Quebec was going to be raised by 75% – students were pissed.

Videos are time lapse’s of the protest using my egg timer idea to pan the video



Halloween in Montreal, me dressed as Predator,


Shots of Chantal and around Montreal; Peter is in here too, i met him when hitchhiking in Ontario a couple of years ago, very cool to catch up with him.

Time lapse when cycling around a race track in Montreal Gilles Villeneuve

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