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Monday 21 November 2011


I left it to the last minute but one thing I had to do today before embarking on my journey to Columbia was to sort out some travel insurance.
Previously sorting out my insurance has never been a problem as I keep on extending from when I first purchased it in england several years ago.
This time however there was a bit of an issue with the transaction going through, the representative I dealt with processed it twice and the money was withdrawn from my account, when speaking to his boss he was told that I was no long able to extend my insurance as after two years of being outside the country I could no longer extend it. SO, not only was I charged twice for a policy I didnt get it. This is really shit because now I dont have any insurance to travel with and I cant get any here in Canada because I dont have a providential health card and I cant get a UK or Australian insurance because I have to be in the country to start it because of strict guidelines.
Looks like I have to be careful when traveling now.
It was sad to say my farewells to Alex, Phil and Chantal as I will miss them all especially Chantal, what a girl... errrg, the downsides of traveling like I do! I do hope to see her again.
I boarded the greyhound bus at 3.45 after running about town tying up some loose ends before I left and relaxed by having a nap on the bus.
Crossing the boarder into the States where I had my first of three flights today was again an interesting experience having to deal with expressionless/emotionless boarder control security. I always try to lighten them up by telling a joke without success, it was worth a try.
I arrived at the airport in Burlington with 12 hours to spare before my flight, I arrived early like I did to guarantee id be there for the flight incase there were any issues crossing the boarder.
With really nothing to do I chit chatted with some of the staff at the airport trying to get info on where was the best/most comfortable place to sleep and/or if there was a park nearby I could pitch my tent.
A waitress at a restaurant suggested that I could camp behind some houses across the road (Burlington is a small airport) where they had been vacated so I checked it out and found a great place to pitch my tent... well, until it started raining and then I had to move to a place where I could put my tarp over my tent.
Having no schedule in my life for the past few months I found it hard to sleep because I was worried about sleeping in past the time of my flight despite setting up multiple alarms, I think also having a lot on my mind and being stressed about my insurance kept me awake too... ill sleep on the plane tomorrow.

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