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Sunday 20 November 2011


Distance Traveled: Notre-Dame-du-Mont-Carmel to Trois Rivieres 30km
Money Spent: $20 for food
Time cycling:  1 hours 22 minutes
Moving Average: 21.2 km/h
Total Distance Traveled: 3376 km

Waking in the morning on the basement floor of this lovely mansion that I was suppose to sleep inside in wasn’t all that bad, I slept very well and was only disturbed by the cleaning lady that showed up who also needed to get into the house. Now having to explain why I was sleeping on the floor of the basement wrapped in towels with my worse than broken french wasnt east but using her broken English and both our broken Spanish we got by just fine, having a few laughs waiting for David to come to open the door.
He couldn’t have been any more apologetic about leaving me locked outside the house but really I was cool with it. Like I said in yesterdays post I see it as a funny story.
I had a shower and napped for a little while before I set off on my bicycle to meet with Claudine in the center of Trois Rivieres, The wind was awful to get down there and a 30 minutes cycle ended up taking me over an hour because I took a detour thinking it was going to be faster and less windy but ended up getting stupidly lost where I had to backtrack several kilometers.
It also started to piss it down and I was drenched when I arrived at Claudine's place.
Claudine I met a week ago through warm-showers who hosted me when I was making my way to Quebec city, an older girl but young at heart is a delight to be around and we had a bit of a thing last time I was with her.
We cooked up a lovely meal and enjoyed a bottle of wine before we hit the hay..

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