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Tuesday, 30 August 2011

26/08/2011 Day 2 Cycling Across Canada

Distance Traveled: Just outside Falkland ***N50 27.858 W119 30.846*** to Keelan and Carly's place in Kelowna 100km
Money Spent: $30 for a new tire, plus what ever I spent when drunk in downtown kelowna.
Time cycling: 4 hours 30 minutes
Total Distance Traveled: 180km

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I slept amazingly well last night, I was asleep within seconds, if not before my dreads (that I now use as a pillow) hit my sleeping mat.
I woke up at 7 and packed my things away munching down on a few of my homemade chocolate granola bars for breakfast.
One thing I have learned this morning is to never load up my bike up with all my shit and try and push it up the gravel/dirt berm, my god it was difficult, the berm wasnt very steep but it took a running start and a good five minutes to get up on the road.
The cycle to Vernon was straight forward with no considerable climbs worth mentioning.
I have two complaints with this bike at this point using my cycle trip down through the west coast of the states for comparison; This road/touring bike with the setup that I have is quite unstable, at high speeds obviously going downhill I have to concentrate incredibility hard to stop speed wobbles gripping the handlebars as a frightened child holds on to its mother. The other issue is that there was a constant bump throwing me slightly off balance as im cycling along but this was fixed today when I went to the bike shop in Vernon – it was a bulge in the rear tire causing the bump meaning I had to replace it.
I was more than thankful that Neil who served me at the shop gave me a “riding across Canada discount” saving me about $15, it was a cool shop with great staff and they were more than helpful, giving me directions to avoid the big hill on the highway.
This detour took me by Kalamalka lake where I ate an early lunch and went for a quick dip.
Only a week ago the city had opened a new road with a separate bike and pedestrian path that I took back up to the highway where I continued the trip to Kelowna. On the hwy there was another stop at Oyama where I went for another swim in another lake. Whilst there a French guy offered me a job picking cherries then after some awkward silences and speaking under a whisper tried to sell me weed.
Finally when I made it to Kelowna just after midday I went to Carly and Keelans place and sunk back a beer that hit me incredibly hard and got me going for the afternoon and the evening. I had a few more beers at the hostel where I got to chat to Missy (but on facebook its Felicity – I know she reads this blog and I dont want to make a mistake, correct?).
At the hostel I got chatting to an older Malay/Singaporean couple Don and Godfrey who were awesome, very intrigued about my cycle trip and they were a good laugh – Don actually reminded me of my mum, very out going and fun to be around.
Later I went out to a bar where I got to meet up with Christina where we got pretty hammered at the park where drinks at the liquor store were cheaper.
A couple who just bought some fries handed me them to eat because they had too many but this sparked up a conversation and the couple insisted that they didnt give them to me because I look like a bum, it was just a coincidence that I look like one.
The night was fun and by the end I was tired but hungry so some cheap food at 7 eleven sorted me out.

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Kalamalka Lake, Near Vernon, BC


Oyama Lake


Finally reaching Kelowna

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