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Saturday, 27 August 2011

25/08/2011 Day 1 Cycling Across Canada

Distance Traveled: Kamloops, Cole's Place to just outside Falkland 79.6km
Money Spent: $6 for a spare tube, and $3 on groceries.
Time cycling: 4 hours 20 minutes
Total Distance Travelled: 79.6km

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I woke up early to finish packing my things onto my bike... I was very worried whether I could fit all of my things into the panniers but thankfully I managed but there was a slight issue... the bike and all my belongings weighed a lot; the scales I borrowed didnt even register the weight of this thing and I could only just lift it off the ground – I suppose all the food I had was contributing to a good proportion of the weight, but I need that so ill have to cope.
Always when I start a journey like this I find it daunting to set off but once im off I dont have an issue; but because of this feeling I hung around coles place chatting to his mum and sister using the amenities of the household as I know its going to be a while before I can relax in a house not having to worry about anything – my tent is going to be my home for the next month,
It wasnt so clever of me to leave the Hoffman's place at midday under the hot midday sun but time was wasting and I needed to make a move.
I cycled a little ways down highway 5 before joining Hwy 1 then 97 but before I left Kamloops I stopped by a bicycle store and picked up a spare tube, just in case; thankfully I did this because 45 minutes down the road it just so happens I got a puncture on the rear tire from a staple sitting on the shoulder of the road, at first I thought that I had too much weight on the bike thinking I bent out the rim but it was just a flat – easily fixed – or so I thought because it took me 45 minutes to repair the thing under the baking 38.5C sun (as shown on my cycle-computer).
The sun was almost too hot today and I drank a lot of water often running out before seeing any type of store to refill, one woman refused me water because she couldnt give me boiled water or something like that so instead I just paid for a bottle... I hope to keep my budget under $15 a day for the rest of the trip, I think its possible, its a personal mission for myself to keep things as cheap as possible.
Anyways I cycled as far as I could handle but I was Nackard, not only from the sun but the last few days have been stressful and lack of sleep was a contributor.
I tried eating as much of the canned food as I could today to bring down the weight of my bike but there are only so many sardines you can eat in one day – and all I can smell when I type this entry is a fishy smell from this food, I hope it dosent atract any bears - dont worry mum, I have a bottle of bear spray :)

I found a nice place beside a river where I renegade camped for the evening and after making the draft copy of this journal entry I crashed out and it was only 7.30... early morning start tomorrow; I should make it to Kelowna.
Oh, the reason why I heading back to Kelowna is because Carly and Keelan suggested not taking Hwy 1 and cycling a more scenic route in the south, one road that I have not seen before, it should be fun.

Elevation Profile

As you can see here on the Terrain Profile, it was a steep climb 30 km into the trip when i joined HWY 97

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Showing off my bike and the equipment on it… its pretty well pimped for the journey

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Cole’s Dog and Sister, Lauren.


On my Way!


Getting my first flat, on the first day – God damn Staple

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View of mountain side at Falkland and where i renegade camped for the evening.


  1. Sooooo glad you're blogging your bike trip! All the best buddy. This sort of thing would be great on my website

  2. Have an awesome voyage buddy. I admit I stole a small piece of your granola bar - bloody good! Enjoy eating all 2 trays of those. Haha

    Anyways I'll be following your journey so keep it interesting!

    Take care bro.

    Doug (check it)
