Distance cycled: 28.9km from Sakurajima, around the volcano and east.
Average speed: 17.4Km/h
Moving Time: 1h40m
Elevation Ascended: 327m
Total Distance on Current trip: 3,226km
Distance until I have cycled the circumference of Earth: 9,064km
Money spent: $20
Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit!
These are the words I was shouting when I turned around to see not far in the distance a huge cloud of volcanic ash and smoke bellowing from the top of Sakurajima volcano.
I was cycling around the volcano with a French guy who showed up at the hostel looking for a place to stay for the evening, I decided to join Charles and continue on my bicycle trip east.
Initially I wasn't so enthralled or interested by the black sand beaches or the volcano hiding behind a thick layer of cloud on such an overcast day but making it to one point as we circled the island things became a little more intriguing as there was a tori gate almost buried from lava flow during the 1914 eruption but shortly after seeing this, things got far more exciting.
As the weather cleared I simply checked to see how far Charles was behind me seeing the magnificence of black smoke and ash growing larger and larger in scale to a point where it changed the color temperature of our surroundings to a yellower hue. This was of course the ash dispersing into the sky and shortly later Charles and I were desperately seeking shelter from the small volcanic stones hitting us like hail leaving ash residue on our clothing. It was out of this world, something i never thought I would experience and yet Kagoshima residence every once in a while are reminded that not far away from the city in an active volcano that dumps ash over the city.
Unfortunately I didn't here the explosion from the eruption but seeing what I saw was enough, check out the photos!
Edit: just as I'm writing this Sakurajima is at it again and more smoke is bellowing from the volcano, this time I heard it too a deep growling thunder from beneath the surface.
Cycling in the clouds of ash was an experience in itself, a golden glow filled the air and the taste of dust was inevitable as was the ash up your nose and in your eyes. Sunglasses and a face mask helped but not for long but soon I was far enough away and the air cleared and it was no longer an issue.
I camped beside a shine on the other side of the peninsula from Sakurajima where I watched the sunset through the cloud of ash, truly spectacular.
A Tori Gate nearly buried from the lavaflow from a recent eruption
The ash in the air turning the skies yellow
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