Distance cycled: 162km from Rantepao to Pare-pare, Sulawesi, Indonesia.
Average speed: 21km/h
Moving Time: 7h43m
Elevation Ascended: 1497m
Elevation Decended: 2329m
Burned Calories: 4199kcal
Burned Fat: 545g
Total Distance on Current trip: 6613km
Distance until I have cycled the circumference of Earth: 13,137km
Money spent: $16

View 09MAR14 in a larger map

THIS downhill run today was incredibly good fun but also frighteningly dangerous as I was taking every turn just a little bit too fast narrowly missing unseen vehicles around tight bends. This didn't stop me grinning when I had made it down to the bottom having passed such unique and stunning scenery.
162 kilometers is a long way to cycle in a single day with the last hour in the dark and right now as I write this in a hotel room I am squirming with aches and pains finding it difficult to keep my eyes open, let alone write this post.
However tomorrow is much the same with another 160 or so kilometers to Makassar. No rest for the wicked, eh?
This gives me one day to pack my bicycle into a box before I fly back to Thailand.
Right now its time for some much needed Sleep. Yawn!
Average speed: 21km/h
Moving Time: 7h43m
Elevation Ascended: 1497m
Elevation Decended: 2329m
Burned Calories: 4199kcal
Burned Fat: 545g
Total Distance on Current trip: 6613km
Distance until I have cycled the circumference of Earth: 13,137km
Money spent: $16
View 09MAR14 in a larger map
THIS downhill run today was incredibly good fun but also frighteningly dangerous as I was taking every turn just a little bit too fast narrowly missing unseen vehicles around tight bends. This didn't stop me grinning when I had made it down to the bottom having passed such unique and stunning scenery.
162 kilometers is a long way to cycle in a single day with the last hour in the dark and right now as I write this in a hotel room I am squirming with aches and pains finding it difficult to keep my eyes open, let alone write this post.
However tomorrow is much the same with another 160 or so kilometers to Makassar. No rest for the wicked, eh?
This gives me one day to pack my bicycle into a box before I fly back to Thailand.
Right now its time for some much needed Sleep. Yawn!
The beautiful landscapes leaving the Toraja region of Sulawesi, Indonesia
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