Distance cycled: 60km from Dompol to Ruteng, Flores, Indonesia.
Average speed: 13km/h
Moving Time: 4h39m
Elevation Ascended: 1110m
Burned Calories: 3135kcal
Burned Fat: 407g
Total Distance on Current trip: 5244km
Distance until I have cycled the circumference of Earth: 14,506km
Money spent: $14
The children of Flores chasing me down.
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I don't know what's so different about people's mentality here in Flores compared to the rest of the islands I have visited in Indonesia but why is it that all the children I encounter on the road outside of schools and homes chase after me? Nowhere else have I had this happen to me and generally it's just stray dogs. Obviously I can't blame Catholicism but its the only major difference... Who knows.
Anyway, today was tedious and hot, the sun hitting my skin at the higher altitudes had fried it and now I am burnt to a crisp. I'll be sure to use sun cream tomorrow.
There were some nasty climbs but nothing I couldn't persist long and hard with to reach the tops of the passes where I was welcomed with some very scenic views and winding roads that scythed around the volcanic hills towards the market town of Ruteng.
Nothing but meeting very friendly people today and as a bonus I didn't have to pay for the majority of my meals because I was invited into homes being offered a plethora of food and drink which was generally
Famished, dehydrated and exhausted from climbing the last pass into Ruteng I stopped by a woman selling bensin (petrol) and jokingly gestured drinking it, I initially shocked her and we laughed about it and instantaneously took me in to her home for water, then coffee and shortly later a plate full of rice and pork.
Writing about pork my mouth is salivating for bacon... I wonder where I can get it here?
I ran into Alan on the road too (met on ferry from Sumbawa and also joined me for the Komodo island trip), he was rushing back to Labuanbajo and he gave me a quick rundown on the terrain ahead... It seems like at no point on the roads here in Flores will it be smooth sailing.
I paid for a night in an economy room of a hotel in Ruteng as today took a hell of a lot out of me but I am now wishing I had the energy to continue to the coast because this place isn't all that pleasant.
Raph and his family
Children and Views
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