Distance cycled: 47.5km from a tent full of ants to Kuta, Bali, Indonesia.
Average speed: 17.7km/h
Moving time: 2h40m
Total distance: 3771km
Border X'ings: 3
Money spent: $30

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Unknowingly last night I pitched my tent on a ant nest the whole colony found their way inside my tent, at midnight I was woken by a few of these ants nibbling on me, I brushed them away and switched on my flashlight to see thousands of these ants making their way onto, into and around my bags, I was a little bit disoriented from waking from my slumber and sprayed a ring of insect repellant around my sleeping mat only to wake at 6am to now see tens of thousands of these tiny ants coating my bags and pretty much everything else I had in my tent - thank fuck I created that force field of repellant around my sleeping position. Trying to remove all these little critters from my belongings was an experience because they put up a fight biting me all over, they were not painful though. Anyway, it wasn't far from where I camped to Kuta where I thought it would be a great place to spend a couple of days; upon arrival it was another one of those places where it had developed into a city of overly tourist bullshit, the type of place I hate where the prices of everything is jacked up ridiculously, people are still very friendly but this place is too big and too far too commercial for me. I don't have a choice now though, I have to stay here for a couple of days while waiting for my visa to be extended; I paired an agent to do it for me for $60. Here, I got sucked into shopping too... Again, something I suck at and stresses me out more so than anything else especially when the prices are more expensive than other places in Indonesia. I also treated myself today with a $5 massage, for an hour I had Ocin dig deep into my aching muscles and pummel into my very being relieving me of the pains of cycling almost 4,000km. She was excellent. The hostel I am staying in is a brand new place about a kilometer from central Kuta, the staff are kind, everything is brand new and smells of fresh paint but it is still under construction. In 3 days time ill have my visa so that I can leave to go to the Gili islands.

Bali is littered with thousands of temples.

A much needed massage having cycled so far.
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