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Monday, 25 November 2013

12/11/2013 - Cycling SE Asia. Day 20

Distance cycled: 48.3km from Johon Batur to Singapore
Average speed: 17.1km/h
Moving time:2h50m
Total distance: 2250km
Border X'ings: 2
Money spent: too much!

View 12NOV13 in a larger map

Apparently there was a bit of an issue where we camped last night, the manager of the trucking business found out we were there and had a problem with the staff who allowed us to set up our camping gear where we did. I didn't get the chance to speak to the manager to sort things out and clear the air but at the same time the French guys and I didn't want to stick around.
The three of us set off in the rain onto the highways within the cities of both Johon Batur and Singapore so needless to say the day was not enjoyable.
After crossing the JB/woodlands Bridge/immigration control it was consistent traffic light after traffic light getting into the city of Singapore thus keeping my average speed at a dismal 17.1km/h.
Upon entering Singapore there was a noticeable difference in the upkeep and maintenance of the streets, buildings and greenery compared to Malaysia however the disappointing downside of this somewhat eye-candy was that the people we encountered on the road, both pedestrians and motorists were not nearly as friendly as the Malaysians - pedestrians just seemed to ignore us and rarely gave us a second glance and even at one point completely ignoring us despite our best efforts to get their attention to make room for us to pass on the bike path.
After a hearty and very expensive lunch at a hawker center (Asian food court) I parted ways with Thomas and Romain and cycled towards a hostel where I would be meet up with my cousin Victoria in 24 hours time.
Due to the lack of sleep I had last night because a damn annoying barking dog I crashed hard into the bed when I arrived only to get up for some food with a dude named Skyler before going back to bed.
I get to see all my relatives who reside here in Singapore over the next few days for my grandpas 90th birthday.
Oh, I forgot to mention, Yay! I did it. 2250km from Bangkok to Singapore!


Wet weather and entering Singapore


Having made it to Singapore

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