Distance cycled: 89.6km from Alex's Place in Istanbul to 20km from Bursa, Turkey.
Average speed:23.9 km/h but this includes the fast ferry
Moving time: 3h44m
Total distance: 6510km
Border X'ings: 22
Money spent: 16 liras for the ferry
View 08dec12 in a larger map
Left Alex's place well rested and charged up not only myself but also my batteries for all my electrical goodies.
It was fantastic to find a decent bicycle path alongside the sea for a good 15 km before hopping on a ferry to Yalova; there were so many cats on this path, to a point where I had to cycle around the masses of them, it was odd to see.
After crossing the sea it was good to be in the foothills of the turkish mountains, and after the rest period in Istanbul i could see that I had the stamina to climb them, more so than usual.
It was a well deserved rest that was much in need.
The sun was out today although it was brisk and finding a decent camping spot in the hills was not difficult.
Alex’s housemate Serif and his Girlfriend, shame i didnt get any shots of Alex and his Fiancé
I want to be able to sleep like this
Mamara Denizi – the name of the sea, heading south from Istanbul
Cats, Kittens and Puppies, along this coastal cycle path
The ferry across the sea…. this was cut out 200 or so kilometers… whoops, i cheated a little….
Back into the mountains.happy to be tackling some tougher terrain
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