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Monday, 27 August 2012

09/04/2012 - Cycling from kelowna to Vancouver. Day 8

Max 67.6
5:28 riding time
Average 20.2
Chris after only meeting him for such a short amount of time when I first arrived became such a generous and wicked bloke. He and his girlfriend Ally really helped me out in the small village and ski resort, not only by introducing me to all there buddies but sorting me out with lift passes, gear and alcohol.
What a couple! Just fantastic kind hearted people - exactly the type of people anybody and everybody should have a ball with.
Anyways, after saying my goodbyes I was on the road by 9am starting at an altitude of 1300meters to descend very close to sea level - this cycle downhill is something I have been looking forward to since arriving at Manning Park; and boy was it epic! Managing to get my bike up to 70km/h and trying to keep up with the traffic, not that there was really any and as such giving me the width of the lane to avoid the pot holes and bumps on this road that had been built during world war 2 era.
I was hoping the 2 days of boarding and countless hours sitting in the hot tub and steam room would have tended fairly to my knee that I have been having trouble with but only when cycling long distances but unfortunately similar to previous days I had the same issue of it progressively locking up to a point where it is unbearable and I have to stop for several hours. Painkillers did nothing and at one point today I almost gave up cycling just after midday after passing out (because of the pain) beside a river for 2 hours, I was completely immobilized.
I pushed on though and covered somewhat decent amount of distance on the flats towards Vancouver up until a 11% grade for 2 km but at this point it was getting into the late afternoon and I just pitched up my tent beside a bridge at the base so tomorrow I can push myself up it with a semi-healed knee.
Vancouver is a little over 100 km away, and if all goes well I should make it there tomorrow.


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