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Saturday, 11 August 2012

08/02/2012 - Bolivian Salt Flats Tour - Day 3 of 3

We were treated to pancakes, cereal and yogurt this being much better than yesterday's breakfast before moving onto more touristy sights including another lake and what was called the rock tree.
Both Columbia lake and the rock formations were impressive and I was able to take some cool shots but not before our truck broke down, we were told we had to return to the main road to get on another truck back to Uyuni but thankfully our driver and the other drivers from other tour groups were able to rip apart the engine bay and repair the issue. We were stuck in the sun for 2 hours or so while waiting for the truck to be repaired.
Our driver drove easy for the rest of the day not thrashing the vehicle about whilst we cruised past more beautiful lakes.
We were suppose to have lunch beside one of the lakes but he had forgotten to pick up the food at the place we rested last night. We then had to drive another hour to a very shitty small village where we had by far and away the worst meal I've had in a very long time, the tinned tuna honestly tasted like cat food.
Jut looking at the children in this small village it was obvious that they were not fed properly, at the age of 8 with rotten teeth - it was a terrible sight.
The game we played most of in the truck was 20 questions, a fun car game that kept us all entertained for the past 3 days.
Today was our last day on this tour that I was very impressed with especially for the price, but arriving back in Uyuni was a disappointment but it was only for one more night because tomorrow i was headed to Potosi - the highest city in the world.
When we arrived back in Uyuni our driver stopped by his house to take all the unused fuel for him and his family, a cheeky little scam that he thought we wouldn't notice - we aren't stupid! But in sure he gets paid very little, so good for him.
The group of us grabbed dinner at a pizza place before going to bed but I spent most of the evening editing photos.

IMG_4672Arbol de Pieroa, Bolivia 2012Christmas Llama, Bolivia 2012IMG_4637IMG_4640IMG_4642IMG_4649IMG_4654

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