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Friday, 31 August 2012

01/08/2012 – 09/08/2012. Treeplanting done deed and preparation for cycling Europe!

Thats it, thats all for this season of planting. It was a good three months with some fantastic people but like always towards the end I get itchy feet and need to get away from the people I work constantly with.
I made a decent amount of cash and was even helped out by the supervisor working under the table over the last few days so that I could claim EI money for 2 weeks before leaving to Europe.
I left camp with Andre a day before the last day because I really needed to get out of there and organize myself before my departure date, Andre drove me all the way to Kelowna over 2 days where we stopped in Nelson for the night. Andre who cherishes his van and never lets anyone come close to the steering wheel even let me drive it for a few hours as he napped on his bed in the back, it was unsual to drive his van not only because it was so tall but didnt feel as stable as the small 4 cylinder cars I often zip around in.
anyways we arrived in Kelowna in the summer heat where we knocked back a few beers on the waterfront starring at the gorgeous half naked women strolling by. Its certainly the 3 months in the bush well away from civilization that gives you the what we call “bush goggles” this and along with some alcohol make any woman stunners in our eyes, so coming here to kelowna during a festival where 90 percent of the woman have near perfect bodies, Andre and I were in awe.
We had a few more beers in the hostel before saying my farewells to Andre who continued to Olivia to see his misses meanwhile I continued to drink with people in the hostel, it was a drunken night and for the majority of it I had nowhere to sleep but thankfully I managed to get a hold of Missy and Ronny where I was able to literally crash on his floor... I was so smashed.
I had just 2 nights in Kelowna and suprisingly everything worked out well, having to sort out my gear for my next trip, visit some friends and nurse the hangover I put myself in from the previous night I had out at the hostel.
I even finally got the prints I orders at a sign printing shop of my favourite picture I have ever taken which is a shot of a cab in New York. I only ordered one 4 months before but having chatted my way into getting a discount with the staff. I really didnt mind it taking that long as they charged me next to nothing and like always I was grateful. One of the prints I gave to Missy and the other I gave to Jackie who was over the moon about it, she just loved it, im glad too because she helped me getting a lift into Vancouver where my flight was departing from and also where my bicycle was stored.
Jackie owns a small trucking company with her husband and sorted me out with a ride to the outskirts of the city where I took a series of buses and trains to get to Rose's place to use the little time I have left to sort out my bicycle and some of the issues I have with it.
I accomplished as much as I could before I set off and even had time to catch up with Arielle who I planted with and Amy who I met in Columbia the first time I was there. Being stressed out over the past week worrying about not getting all my shit together I managed to cook dinner for Amy at her place where I phased out of the stressful mindset I had been in for the past week. Amy and I had a get time chatting and drinking booze to a point where I couldnt cycle back to Roses... well, thats what I told Amy, I have been much more wasted and cycle many kilometers not remembering in the morning. I just wanted an excuse to spend the night. Althogh nothing happened I still had a fantastic night with this girl who see's life much like I do. I hope to see her sometime in the near future.
I called the airline who I was flying with a day before my flight to inquire about my bicycle being thrown aboard the airplane where I found out something very interesting. My flight had been changed from 8:00pm to 1:30pm. Good thing I called otherwise I might have missed my flight. They did send me an email but I musty have missed it amongst all the notifications as messages I get from facebook. Well, at least I made the flight.
Also what was great was running into Tony who I worked with up at Big White many years ago and who I aslo bumped into in Revelstoke a couple of months ago. He was also on the same flight.
9 months off work and I know this is going to be an epic adventure.
Europe here I come!


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