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Thursday, 5 July 2012

26/01/2012 - Australia day

It was another early morning start to get back to the mainland to catch our bus to la Paz. Unfortunately w

e only got to see the south part of the island and i only saw very little because i felt so shitty. We were hoping to get an early boat back but we had to hang around until the boat filled up before it departed leaving us waiting for a couple of hours, those few extra hours of sleep would have done me well.  Arriving back in Capacabana I finally put some food in my stomach eating some sandwiches and then just hung around town until our bus left.  Now, I'm never really grumpy but after the shitshow of organization getting people onto the bus I was pissed off, really pissed off, the annoying Argentinians who filled the majority of the buses headed to La Paz did not have any common sense when loading their luggage, they pushed in front along with the buses being over booked it was a nightmare.  Finally after all the shit we got moving towards La Paz where I slept my frustration away.  Arriving in La Paz we immediately headed for one of the main party hostels, an irish run place with over 100 beds, it wasnt the cheapest place about town but seeing as it was australia day I wanted to celebrate and have a good time – and It was the bar was rammed and I ran into many people who I met in Cuzco and around Peru.

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