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Friday, 11 May 2012


Arriving in Cuzco at midday all disorientated from not sleeping as well as I wanted to due to the winding roads around the mountains that threw me around in my seat, not feeling well because of motion sickness and fighting the effects of the sleeping pills I took, arriving in a much higher altitude than where i was at sea level and along with the emotional feelings I had for this girl in Canada, all of this put me in a position making me feel like crap.
Normally I would try and get a local bus to a hostel but getting a taxi was a better option.
The hostel I went to was similar to one I visited in Máncora, a somewhat exclusive, party orientated hostel with many many beds and lots of noise in the evening from the on-sight bar.
I don't really like places like this because it dosent have that backpacker feel to it, the owners overcharge for everything and this and the exclusivity of the hostel take away the authenticity of backpacking in a different country; you may as well be back in the western world.
Although I could have moved to another hostel I was exhausted and decided to stay, but only one night as I wanted to organize a trip to Machu Picchu. I got a recommendation for a tour from 2 Dutch guys I met (Senna and Stein) who were both great guys to have a drink with and had their heads screwed on properly unlike a lot of other people I met at the hostel who were only looking for the better blow.
I tried to have an early night but as I had a lot going on in my head and as such I couldn't sleep - well this and the amount of noise from the bar downstairs.

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