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Sunday 27 November 2011


Slept like a baby last night, but still feeling drained perhaps from the altitude, but all was good, I had made it safely to Columbia with only some minor hiccups along the way and now I have almost 6 months to travel where I want around South America.
Rich took me to his local food place next door to his home where I had Tamale – delicious leaf wrapped starchy goodness with chicken and bread... good stuff and also very cheap.
I napped for the afternoon before going out to purchase some groceries where I cooked for rich and his housemates, they hadn’t eaten Asian food in the longest time so I decided to treat them. It came out really well and everyone went back for second helpings.
Later Rich, Anne Marie and I went for a quick drink at the bar and organized an early start for the morning to go on a hike up a recently opened path to the top of a mountain beside the city... should be fun.

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