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Tuesday 1 November 2011

10/10/2011 Day 47 Cycling Across Canada

Distance Traveled: Montreal to Trois Riviers 148km
Money Spent: $0
Time cycling: 6 hours 27 minutes
Moving Average: 22.9 km/h
Total Distance Traveled: 3069 km

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I know I said I was stopping my cycle trip across Canada in Montreal but I changed my mind as the weather was just perfect for cycling. I was still suffering from a 4 day hangover this morning but I needed to leave relatively early to make my way to Trois Riviers where I was catching up with a friend I met in El Salvadore 7 months ago.
It was a great cycle with lots of tailwind and fantastic shoulders and well maintained bike paths that kept me entertained these can only be found in Quebec. Many people today were cycling along the river on 'Green Route 5' none of which had nearly as much gear and equipment as I despite dropping off a lot of my gear at Alex's place in Montreal.
I ate leftovers from thanksgiving dinner that I celebrated with Leanne (first season planting in the west) and her friends and family last night – explaining the groggy hangover feeling all day and why I had to nap beside the river on a park bench half way through the day.
I arrived in Trois Riviers after sunset where I contacted David to come pick me up and take me back to his place. I used the free WIFI at McDonalds to skype him but I couldnt get through, I tried for a little under an hour but gave up and looked at the warm-showers list. I called up Claudine who was ready and willing to host me for the evening and I cycled around to her place.
Claudine is a very lovable, bubbly person and really good fun to be around.
Also a photographer and cyclist and we had a lot to talk about and show each other but because I had cycled so far today I was exhausted and ready for bed.

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Some Pics i took when cycling today.


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