Distance cycled: 89.2km from Lakey point to 10km south of Bima, Sumbawa, Indonesia.
Average speed: 20.9km/h
Moving Time: 4h16m
Elevation Ascended: 911m
Burned Calories: 2367kcal
Burned Fat: 307g
Total Distance on Current trip: 5012km
Distance until I have cycled the circumference of Earth: 14,738km
Money spent: $7
View 28Jan14 in a larger map
Unfortunately I was told that the stretch of road from Dompu to Hu'u was a dead end and that I would have to cycle the 45km back to the main road that services the island from east to west. I honestly hate backtracking as I had seen the scenery of the area before and makes the GPS track overlap.
To make me feel better I made up a game with some of the local school children walking on the road... When they say "Hello Mister", I would try and run them down. Of course I'm pretending and I swerve at the last second just to see their reaction, it's funny and entertaining on the familiar road I was on.
Even if I wanted to stay at Lakey beach I couldn't have as I had ran out of money with the only ATM available in Dompu, but even after a short stay there I was glad to be back on my bike.
Just two more days and ill be on my way to Flores... That is if the ferries are running - they may not be due to the high winds in the rainy season, fingers crossed.
This is Nina, she cooked for me almost every meal whilst I stayed here in Lakey Beach.
The local children I encountered today
As you can see Sumbawa is a hell of a lot poorer than the other islands I have visited here in Indonesia
…but Sumbawa offers breathtaking views